- American Chemical Society — requires registration; provides information for undergraduate and graduate students through the educator and students section; news and articles are available through the enthusiasts section
- ChemWeb — requires registration; provides updated chemistry news and information according to discipline (Analytical, Bio, Catalysis…) and through the Alchemist magazine; there is limited access to databases and journals; most information can be accessed through the home and forums menus at the top of the web page
- International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry — provides information on nomenclature and symbols; there are links to websites about chemical elements; a few online publications are also available
Chemical Information:
- Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease and Registry — this institute is a part of the Department of Health and Human Services; gives information on hazardous substances and public health
- Chemfinder — provides synonyms, CAS numbers, and physical properties data for thousands of chemicals
- National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), Pocket Guide to Chemical Hazards — this institute is part of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC); presents key information and data for about 650 chemicals or substance groups
- The University of Akron Hazardous Chemical Database — information for over 20,000 hazardous chemicals; includes names, formulas, and physical data
- University of Oxford Chemical and Safety Information — MSDS on about 15,500 chemicals through the MSDS Data Sheets link; a chemical safety information glossary is also provided through the Glossary link
Government Websites:
- The Department of Energy — through the Science and Technology link on the left column, there is a great deal of information through the Research Initiatives and Education & Information quick links
- Energy Science News — published quarterly by the US Department of Energy’s Office of Planning and Analysis within the Office of Science; the purpose of the publication is to inform about current research initiatives and progress in science related fields
- The Environmental Protection Agency — through the Browse EPA Topics link on the left column, information can be accessed about subjects such as environmental research and environmental management
- National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Chemistry WebBook — a collection of thermochemical and thermophysical data complied by the NIST
- National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Reference on Constants, Units, and Uncertainty — gives the values of scientific constants and explains the SI measurement system
The Elements:
- The Elemental Data Index — provided by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST); it’s a periodic table with individual elemental data such as atomic weight, ionization energy, ground-state level, and ground-state configuration
- The Visual Elements Periodic Table — gives information on each element, such as discovery, origin, and description
- WebElements — a periodic table with extensive information about every element; information ranges from the history of the element to common compounds to physical properties
- American Elements – Provided by a commercial enterprise that produces advanced materials for governments, universities and national laboratories; it describes the research and uses of each of the elements, including properties, safety data and applications.
General Chemistry:
- Chemistry Functions — website can be used to solve chemistry related problems such as molar conversions and balancing chemical equations
- Chemputer — a Chemistry Calculator; can calculate element percentages in molecules and reaction yields
- General Chemistry Online — provides online notes for general chemistry; a glossary is provided with hundreds of terms
- Interactive Chemistry Tutorials — from Ohio State University; provides short quizzes on a variety of areas in general chemistry
- The Valence Shell Electron Pair Repulsion (VSEPR) Model — reviews Lewis structures and molecular geometry; a glossary of chemistry terms is provided on the bottom left column
Organic Chemistry:
- Electronic Organic Chemistry Flashcards — from Ohio State University; flashcard decks are provided for various organic reactions, simply click on a reaction type and flip through the flashcards
- Monomer Chem’s Name Reaction List — a list of organic reactions from A to Z, just click on a term and see the reaction drawn out
- Organic Chemistry Help — sponsored by Frostburg State University; reviews and explains some common mechanisms
- The Organometallic Hypertextbook — information given on topics such as carbonyl complexes and substitution reactions
- Tutorials in Organic Chemistry — provides sections on organic reactions and common definitions/terms
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR):
- The Basics of NMR — an extensive online textbook of NMR concepts
- Proton Nuclear Magnetic Resonance — some basics on proton NMR
- SpectroscopyNow — News and Features and Education links provide some useful information on current research articles
Molecular Models:
(NOTE: All of these websites require special downloads to run properly.)
- Molecular Geometry — contains Lewis dot and 3D structures for a variety of molecules
- Molecular Models for Biochemistry — provides images of molecules and macromolecules found in biochemistry
- Protein Explorer — allows one to take a look at 3D molecular structures
General Science:
- CNN — updated science and space news from
- New Scientist — vast assortment of scientific topics; information ranges from artificial intelligence to alternative fuel vehicles
- Science Daily Magazine — information on the latest discoveries and research taking place within the United States
- Science NetWatch — through Science Magazine; links to hundreds of websites for any scientific subject
- Science News — online news magazine; some full text articles online, however bibliographic references and sources are available for all published articles
- Yahoo News — science news from Reuters and AP; for more science news use All Science Full Coverage link under the Full Coverage heading on the left side of the page
- This site has a number of items related to math utilities and science related items.
Miscellaneous Chemistry Topics:
- The Macrogalleria — a University of Southern Mississippi polymer website; a thorough introduction to polymers
- Nobel e-Museum — reviews the noble prize winners in chemistry
- Stain Removal Guide — tips to removing ink and rust stains and more
- The T.W.I.N.K.I.E.S. Project — highly scientific experimental results involving Twinkies