Pakistan Medical Research Council

Pakistan Medical Research Council
The Pakistan Medical Research Council (PMRC) was created under a resolution in 1962 on the recommendation of the Medical Reforms Commission as an autonomous organization under the Federal Ministry of Health (MoH), with the mandate to promote, organize and coordinate medical research in Pakistan. The Council was transferred to the administrative control of the newly created Ministry of Science and Technology (MoST) in 1972 along with all other research and development organizations in Pakistan. In 1985 the Council was re-organized to play its role in medical research more effectively. In 1997 the Council was transferred back to the Ministry of Health.


Mailing Address
Pakistan Medical Research Council
Shahrah-e-Jamhuriat, G-5/2
Islamabad, Pakistan

Phone: 0092-51-9216793 and 0092-51-9207386 
Fax: 0092-51-9216774

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