National Institute of Vacuum Science & Technology

National Institute of Vacuum Science & Technology (NINVAST) is in fact a realization of a long cherished desire to engage latest research in the intricate fields of Industrial Sciences and impart it through training for the benefit of the country’s industrial sector.
NINVAST, thus, opens its doors to the engineers, scientists and technologists, working in the arena of Vacuum Science and Technology, enabling them to polish their professional skills, educate themselves with the latest developing techniques and seek solutions to the problems, confronting them in their respective jobs.
• To carry out research work in the field of vacuum and applied sciences.

• To provide technological support in the form of trained human resource through state of the art education and short training courses.

• To provide consultancy services such as design & development, repair & maintenance and calibration for all types of vacuum systems in research & industrial applications.

• To develop vacuum equipment and accessories.

NINVAST is imparting education in the field of VST through symposia, workshops, certificate courses and introducing 3-credit hours course for under grad level & post grad level. Alongwith R & D facilities, NINVAST is also providing consultancy services to industries / research organizations in the field of VST.
NINVAST has a conducive environment for learning and educational activities. A number of students from different universities are doing their research projects for MPhil/PhD/BS/MSc Physics/mechanical engineering. Also it has a dedicated library with particular emphasis on the subject of VST.


• To carry out R&D activities in the various areas of VST

• To provide technological support in the form of trained human resource through state of the art education and short training courses
Labs in operation at NINVAST

I. Vacuum Standards Lab.

II. Vacuum Generation Lab.

III. Vacuum Coatings Lab.

IV. Metallurgy Lab.

V. Pump Maintenance Lab.

VI. Leak Testing Lab.
Course on VST
NINVAST is introducing "course on VST" for MSc, M.Phil, Mechanical Engineering and PhD students. This course is designed for teaching in universities / institutes by qualified faculty of NINVAST..

NINVAST is conveniently situated in the Islamabad capital territory, near department of Psychology Quaid-i-Azam University and the Natioanl Center for Physics (NCP) at Shahdra Valley Road. It is easily accessible through Murree road with excellent road links to the Islamabad and Rawalpandi metropolitan areas.
With the spectacular Margalla Hills forming a bcakdrop to the NINVAST campus, this institutioin is inarguably one of the most visually beautiful and serene learning enclaves within Pakistan. Proximately to the National Center for Physics and Quaid-i-Azam University ensures a higly collaborative and conducive environment for learning and research.

Dr. Aasim Fasih Khan(Director)
National Institute of Vacuum Science & Technology (NINVAST)
Quaid-e-Azam University, NCP Complex, P O Box No. 3125, Islamabad

Phone: +92 51 2896071-5, +92 51 4317143

Cell: +92 3325586066
Fax: +92 51 2896070
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