Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission

The history of Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission goes back to 1956, when the Atomic Energy Research Council was established.  In 1964, 1965 and 1973 reorganization took place and the Atomic Energy Commission was incorporated as a statutory body under an Act, with considerable autonomy.  In 1972 the commission was transferred from the Science and Technology Research Division to the President's Secretariat.
PAEC is now the largest S & T organization of the country, both in terms of scientific/technical manpower and the scope of its activities.  Starting with a nuclear power reactor at Karachi (KANUPP) and an experimental research reactor at Nilore, Islamabad (PARR-I), the emphasis in the early years remained focussed  on the peaceful uses of nuclear energy. Consequently research centres in agriculture, medicine, biotechnology and other scientific disciplines were set up all over the country. As the emphasis shifted towards concerns for national security, important projects were also initiated in this area.

The Commission consists of the following members appointed by the Federal Government namely:-
Full-Time members
a) Chairman
b) A Finance member, being representative of the Ministry of Finance,
    Government of Pakistan.
c) Technical members of whom one may be a member for Administration.
d) Chief Scientific Adviser to the President, ex-officio.
Full-Time members Names
  • Dr. Ansar Parvez -- Chairman PAEC
  • Mr. Mansoor Ali Sheikh -- Member (Finance)
  • Major General (R) Syed Shahid Mukhtar Shah --Member (Administration)
  • Mr. Ghulam Nabi  -- Member (Technical)
  • Mr. Zia-ul-Hasan Siddique  -- Member (Power)
  • Mr. Waqar Murtaza Butt    -- Member (Engineering)
  • Dr. Badar Suleman --  Member (Science)
  • Mr. Muhammad Naeem  -- Member (Fuel Cycle)
  • Mr. Jamal-ud-Din Ahmed  -- Member (Systems)
The Commission meets not less than four times every year, and it has the mandate to take decisions on all matters, including research work, promotion of peaceful uses of atomic energy in the fields of agriculture, medicine and industry and for the execution of development projects involving nuclear power stations and the generation of electric power.
There shall be a Council consisting of:-
i) The Minister in charge of administrative Division    dealing with PAEC. He shall be the Chairman of the council, ex-officio.
ii) The members of the Commission, ex-officio.
iii) The secretary to the government of Pakistan in the administrative division dealing with PAEC, ex-officio.
iv) Two Directors of labs/plants etc. established by PAEC.
v) Three scientists to be nominated by HEC (UGC).
vi) Secretaries in-charge of the following Ministries/Divisions:-
  • Agriculture Research Division
  • Defense Production Division
  • Health Division
  • Water and Power Division
  • Ministry of Science and Technology
  • Ministry of Production
The Council meets at least once a year. Its functions are to:-
a) lay down broad principals to be followed by the Commission in the performance of its functions particularly in the matter of scientific and research work.
b) to review the work of the Commission and to consider its annual report.

PAEC is charged with the promotion of, and research work on the peaceful uses of atomic energy in the fields of agriculture, medicine and industry, as well as the execution of development projects involving nuclear power stations and the generation of electric power, and to perform such other functions relating to the peaceful uses of atomic energy as may be agreed to between the Commission and the government.
Accordingly the commission is engaged in:-
  • Programmes to develop nuclear power and fuel-cycle facilities.
  • Promotion of use of radiation and radio-isotopes in agriculture, medicine and industry.
  • Research, development and training of manpower to support the programmes of   nuclear power and radio-isotope applications.