In the late fifties, when Pakistan embarked upon nuclear program, two major constraints were immediately faced: the dearth of appropriately trained manpower and the absence of even rudiments of a viable scientific and industrial infrastructure. The solution to these problems was the establishment of research, development and training centers. The first major step in this direction was the establishment of Pakistan institute of Nuclear Science and Technology (PINSTECH), at Nilore, near Islamabad.
Designed by world-renowned architect Edward Durrell stone, PINSTECH blends eastern elegance with western functionality. Construction of the Institute proceeded in two stages: In the first stage, reactor building and ancillary facilities were completed with the reactor becoming critical on 21st December 1965. The second stage, consisting of various laboratories, workshop, library and auditorium, became operational in 1974.
The major objectives envisaged by Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission in the establishment of this institute are:
Keeping pace with the ever-expanding frontiers of knowledge in the nuclear field through research that meets international norms and standards.
Serving the cutting edge of the PAEC’s technological development for peaceful applications of nuclear energy.
Producing radioisotopes and radio pharmaceuticals for catering to the needs of nuclear medical centers, industry and research establishments.
Promoting applications of radiation and isotope technology in various scientific and technological disciplines to support national programs.
Providing appropriately trained manpower through training to the exacting and demanding standards of nuclear sciences.
Undertaking limited production of sophisticated equipment and special nuclear materials.
Working on important non-nuclear fields which are crucial for the development of science and technology in the country.
- Extending hi-tech support in the form of technical services to industry and other organizations.