PAKISTAN INSTITUTE OF PHYSICS( PIP) was established in 1976 by the eminent physicists of Pakistan. The main objective of PIP is to promote the advancement and dissemination of the knowledge of both pure and applied physics as well as to elevate the profession of physics. In this way PIP is playing its role for the improvement of physics education and research in Pakistan.
PIP organized its 1st PIP Conference on 2nd March 1991 at Punjab University, Lahore in which about 350 participants from different Universities, Colleges and R & D Organizations including PAEC, SUPARCO, NESCOM, A.Q. Khan LABS etc. participated. This conference provided an opportunity to the Physicists to interact with each other and share their research experience. The 2nd PIP Conference was hosted in April 1993 at Punjab University Lahore .The Conference was attended by 300 scientists and researchers of Pakistan. In the different sessions of the Conference the Physicists from different institutions and R & D organizations presented their research papers on the emerging aspects of the research in the field of Physics. A four day 3rd PIP Conference was held in April 1995 at Islamia University, Bahalpur which was also largely attended by the physicist from all over the country. The 4th PIP Conference was held by the PIP in 1997 at Government College, Lahore. It was a grand event held by PIP in which 215 Physicists participated from various Universities and R & D Organizations both from Pakistan and abroad. A large number of papers and invited talks were presented by Physicists in different sessions of the Conference. Later on, in February 2002 5th PIP Conference on “Information Technology and Physics” was held at Punjab University Lahore. The 6th PIP Conference was arranged in April, 2003 at Lahore whereas the 7th PIP Conference was held at the Department of Physics, UET Lahore in March 2006. The 8th PIP Conference organized by Department of Physics UET Lahore on 22-24 Feb, 2009 at University of Engineering and Technology, Lahore.
Since 1990 PIP is regularly publishing its news letter Physics News which includes Community News, Review Articles, Abstracts of the Research Papers, Announcements of Conference, Honors and Awards achieved by Physicists and profiles of the Life members of PIP. At present 1565 Physicists are enrolled as Life Members and 182 are Ordinary members of PIP.
- Prof. Dr. Muhammad Zakria Butt, T. I.
Department of Physics, University of Engineering & Technology, Lahore
Ph # 042-99029204, Fax # 042-99250202
- Prof. Dr. Muhammad Khaleeq-ur-Rahman
Department of Physics, University of Engineering & Technology, Lahore
Ph # 042-99029204, Fax # 042-99250202 ,