Weed Science Society of Pakistan

Weed Science Society of Pakistan:
Professional Society comprising all stake holders in the system plays an important role in the promotion of professional cause. Such societies exist at regional, national or international level. Keeping in view the importance of the cooperation the weed science society of Pakistan was established in 2002 for promoting the cause of weed science in Pakistan. The society was effective in coordinating the workers in the discipline by organizing 5 conferences and issuing the Pakistan Journal of Weed Science Research. The publication of the journal however was discontinued due to some unavoidable constraints. The publication was however reviewed in 2001 and since then the journal is published regularly. The society was registered under society registration Act XXI of 1860 on June 11, 2002.


Mailing Address
Weed Science Society of Pakistan
Department of Weed Science
Agricultural University Peshawar, 
Peshawar, Pakistan

Phone: N/A
Email: alibotanist@gmail.com 
Website: www.wssp.org.pk

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