The Centre of Excellence in Mineralogy (C.E.M.) was established in 1974 in the premises of the University of Balochistan through a Gazette notification of the Federal Government, following the announcement of New Education Policy 1972-80, under the Act of Parliament 1974. The above Act was revised in1976 to be called “Centres of Excellence Act, 1976.
The C.E.M. is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education through Higher Education Commission (defunct UGC), and is managed and supervised by its own Board of Governors under the Chairmanship of the Vice Chancellor, University of Balochistan. The academic policies of the Centre are framed by the Academic Committee of the C.E.M subject to the approval by the Board of Advanced Studies and Research, Academic Council and the Syndicate of the University of Balochistan. The administrative and financial policies are governed by the rules and regulations made or adopted by the Board of Governors. The Director is responsible for implementing the academic, administrative and financial policies of the Centre.
The Centre of Excellence in Mineralogy is located in the Province of Balochistan which is blessed with vast reserves of a variety of minerals, oil & gas and coal. The important geological features e.g. long chain of Chaghai Volcanic Arc; rich in copper and gold mineralization, a long strip of highly mineralized ophiolitic rocks, Kirther and Sulaiman Mountain Ranges and vast unexplored Makran Basin showing prospects of oils and gas offer a great deal of research and development opportunities. Qualified and trained manpower is therefore, needed to explore and exploit the mineral and energy resources of Balochistan in particular and Pakistan in general and study the geology of Balochistan in order to find new ways and means for new discoveries of economic mineral deposits.
Center of Excellence and Minerology, Science Block, University of Balochistan.