Science Vision

Science Vision
Science Vision is a scientific journal of COMSATS, which is now being published on a bi-annual basis. It primarily aims at highlighting the important scientific and technological developments that have a bearing on socio-economic conditions of the people. It invites research as well as review articles that have basic scientific descriptions, with comprehensive elucidation of the impact of S&T discoveries and innovations, not only for creating understanding of the contemporary issues and challenges but also for stimulating joint action for the provision of practical solutions.


Mailing Address
Mr. Irfan Hayee (Managing Editor) 
COMSATS Secretariat,
4th Floor, Shahrah-e-Jamhuriat, G-5/2,
Islamabad, Pakistan

Phone: 0092-51-9214515 to 17
Fax: 0092-51-9216539

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